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    In grade three, students will continue to build their concept of numbers, developing an understanding of fractions as numbers. They will learn the concepts behind multiplication and division and apply problem-solving skills and strategies for multiplying and dividing numbers up through 100 to solve word problems. Students will also make connections between the concept of the area of a rectangle and multiplication and addition of whole numbers.

    Activities in these areas will include:


• Multiplying all one-digit numbers from memory (knowing their times table)

• Multiplying one-digit numbers by multiples of 10 (such as 20, 30, 40)

• Solving two-step word problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division

• Understanding the concept of area & relating the measurement of area to multiplication and division

• Understanding fractions as numbers & expressing whole numbers as fractions 

• Comparing the size of two fractions 

• Measuring weights and volumes and solving word problems involving these measurements


  The math curriculum is divided into skill areas called modules.  Modules contain anywhere between 8 and 40 lessons split into groups of related lessons called topics.



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